Welcome to my Website!


Making music has always been my most prolific creative outlet. As of now, I have created and produced over 250 original songs since August 2020, with many more to come. I like to release them under a variety of names as I feel it allows for more freedom not being tied to a particular genre, style or sound. Some of these psudonyms include, "Walter Wall", "Nomad Rat", "Elektric Kat", "The Cool Tunes Society" and many others. I mainly produce the music for the fun of it as I love the process, a hobby if you will, but just in case there's a chance that something might attract some attention, I release most of them through Preko-Stickwick Records, a record and film producing company I co-own and co-founded with a friend and fellow producer in Oregon, USA. The music is distributed to streaming services such as Spotify and YouTube Music via a free service. So far I have done very little to promote my music via social media or other means, but that may change in the future depending on how things progress. Whatever happens, I am certain I will keep producing music for years to come.

As far as the style of the music itself goes, it depends on the method of production. The majority of my music is recorded through a microphone with myself playing instruments or singing. I record each instrument one at a time in their own tracks then mix them afterwards, therefore by this method I am limited to the range of instruments I have available although there is still potential to create a varied array of compositions. Another method of production I use involves an online MIDI sequencer called Online Sequencer, which allows me to place each note one at a time, using a wider variety of synthesised instruments. While it allows for more precision in the compostitions, this method lacks the charming imperfections by forgoing the human aspect in the performance. I also design and produce the artwork for the music releases, often preferring a style which is perhaps slightly naïve and takes inspiration from 20th century designs, such as those found in my record collection.

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Here are a variety of examples of my productions: